Wednesday, July 11, 2012

EMFkids 2012: Wednesday, Week 1

We had a full morning of music and creative activities this morning with EMFkids! 

Like yesterday, everyone had a chance to pick and play a percussion instrument.  (The duck-shaped guiro was very popular this morning!)  This time rather than playing in a large group, campers got to draw and color the sounds they heard while each took a turn playing.

We visited the percussion family of the orchestra and got to hear quite a few different kinds of sounds.  The conductor José-Luis Novo told us about the timpani, bass drum, several different cymbals, a xylophone, a glockenspiel and others.  I wonder if anyone remembers what the word 'glockenspiel' means?

Other highlights of the day included seeing and touching two different trumpets, painting what we heard while listening to Saint-Saens' 'Aviary' from Carnival of the Animals, and singing and moving to old and new songs.  They even worked on singing a new song in a two-part ensemble.  Tomorrow we're visiting the string family, and we may have a special guest visit our class!  

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow,

-'Miss Susannah'

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